Tutte le proprieta presentate in questo sito - in vendita presso l'agenzia immobiliare Immobiliare AG Laghi & Golf Real Estate Lago Maggiore- sono a 15 minuti da quattro diversi campi da golf:
* Golf Club Alpino di Stresa, situato su una verde terrazza naturale a 700 ms/lm, in una delle piu caratteristiche zone del Lago Maggiore, facilmente raggiungibile da Stresa e dall’autostrada dei Laghi. Aperto da oltre 80 anni, ha organizzato i primi Open d’Italia nel 1925 e 1926 e le gare piu prestigiose del dopoguerra. Campo a 9 buche: www.golfalpino.it
* Golf Club des Iles Borromèes, a 600 metri di altitudine, 18 splendide buche con panorama mozzafiato direttamente sul lago, aperto tutto l’anno, a due passi dal Golf Club Alpino di Stresa: www.golfdesilesborromees.it
* Golf & Sporting Club Verbania, l Golf, realizzato all'interno della nuova provincia di Verbania; provincia ad alta valenza turistica ed ambientale, si articola su 9 buche regolamentari e 9 buche Executive, a carattere pianeggiante, sulle rive dell'incantevole Lago di Mergozzo e sullo sfondo delle Alpi che ne disegnano il suggestivo contorno naturale. La facile raggiungibilità dalla vicina Svizzera e dalla metropoli milanese, unitamente alla sua collocazione all'interno di un vasto comprensorio golfistico, ne fanno una meta consigliata ai tanti appassionati che possono abbinare alla pratica del loro sport preferito interessanti escursioni nelle ridenti località turistiche attigue Valli Ossolane e del Lago Maggiore. Il gioco risulta essere vario ed interessante per la presenza di laghetti interni e di un vasto bosco di ontani neri, ma nel contempo riposante e poco faticoso per la sua quiete e per la tipologia del percorso. Circolo giovane ed informale, si distingue per l'ospitalità e l'affabilità del suo staff direttivo: www.golfverbania.it
*Circolo Golf Piandisole 9 buche panoramiche sulla collina alle spalle di Verbania-Intra,a circa 500 metri di altitudine, facilmente raggiungibile con ampia strada panoramica: www.golfpiandisole.it
a 30 minuti da altri due da campionato:
* Golf Club Castelconturbia 27 + 3 buche, www.castelconturbia.it
* Circolo Golf Bogogno, 36 buche: www.circologolfbogogno.com
e a un’ora dal campo piu bello d’italia:
* Golf Club Biella “Le Betulle” 18 buche da provare: www.golfclubbiella.it
Per maggiori dettagli dei sopracitati campi da Golf accedete alla Categoria sottostante "Golf Club" nel menu a colonna di sinistra.
A bright light surrounds this place: the Bogogno Golf Club, one of the most prestigious golf clubs in Italy, boasts a 36-hole course spreading across more than 240 hectares of gently sloped land overlooked by the Monte Rosa peaks.
Such an extraordinary natural setting, located in the province of Novara, is only 70 km away from Milan, a 20-minute drive from Malpensa airport and just a few miles from the nearby woods of the Ticino Natural Park, Lake Orta and Lake Maggiore.
The two courses available in Bogogno — the “Del Conte” and the “Bonora” — have been rated amongst the best Italian and European courses — their fame being acknowledged also thanks to their skilful design by Robert von Hagge.
A successful attempt at shaping uncontaminated land and transforming it in two exceptional courses that harmoniously blend into the astounding setting behind which lies the Monte Rosa massif, these two links in Bogogno are now considered to be the famous American architect’s “greatest work”.
The green areas where the residence complex was built all enjoy a breathtaking view without compromising each of the occupants’ own privacy, which is ensured by hedgerows and garden arbours that, thanks to the thick vegetation, shield each unit’s large glass windows.
Fully fenced-in and offering a 24/7 doorkeeper service, the Bogogno residence complex grants maximum security to all of its occupants.
In addition to golf, it is possible to practice a wide range of activities inside the residence complex: from jogging or cycling across the whole golf area to swimming in the pools — there is one for adults and another for up to six-year-old children — to playing five-a-side on the artificial football pitch or practicing tennis — two courts and also qualified instructors are available — all the way through simply exercising on the fitness trail into the woods.
All of the equipment provided by the Club allow its family guests’ children to possibly play together outdoor all day long, in a safe and protected environment surrounded by nature.
Next to the Club House is the Bogogno Golf Hotel, consisting of 28 standard rooms (33 sq. metres each) and 4 suites (70 sq. meters each). Each room has a private terrace and directly overlooks the 18th hole of the “Bonora” course and the Golf Club’s swimming pool. Hotel guests can benefit from the relaxation area, which features a jacuzzi, a solarium and a lounge bar, all located on the roof terrace of the hotel itself from where it is possible to enjoy a breathtaking view of the Monte Rosa massif. The same terrace is also overlooked by two meeting rooms where conferences, golf clinics, corporate days or team-building events can be held. There is also a lovely putting green.
The low-impact, class-A energy efficient, eco-sustainable building was realised thanks to the use of natural, recyclable materials combined with the application of the latest construction technologies.
Nestled in the beautiful park belonging to the Bogogno Golf Club, we offer superbly elegant villas, all recently built and of various sizes. From semi-detached smaller villas, consisting of 2 rooms, bathroom and small garden, to large villas with dependences, private swimming pools and parks next to the Golf Club courses.
In its entirety, the Bogogno residence complex is the result of 4 different building interventions, all designed by the famous French architect François Spoerry and his successor, Georges Breton, and built between 2000 and 2012.
The first intervention was “Borgo Alto”, located on the hillside and enjoying the best panorama overlooking the Monte Rosa; this consists of 50 residential units and it was completed in 2000. The second, “Borgo del Rosa”, is the smallest and most peaceful one. It consists of 38 exclusive villas and it was completed in 2002. The third, “Borgo nel Bosco”, is the nearest one to the Club House and to all other services, such as the pools, the tennis courts and the starting point of two of the golf courses. It consists of 75 units and it was completed in 2007. Within the latter is located the “Petit Village”, a wonderful French-style little village with private pools and gym. The fourth, “Borgo Bonora”, boasts the presence of a big lake in it and it is the last and most recent intervention. Consisting of 65 units, amongst which semi-detached villas as well as larger ones with swimming pool, and 38 apartments obtained from the renovation of the old Bonora farmstead.
Do not hesitate to ask us any information and please tell us about your specific requirements. We will endeavour to attend to them and undoubtedly find the right solution to suit your needs in the context of the exclusive Bogogno Golf Club.